Thursday, August 18, 2011

Get Naked

For me, living alone also means being naked within five minutes of getting home if I'm not expecting company. S'all about comfort. If you ask what I'm doing and my response indicates I'm home alone, go ahead and assume that I'm also naked. 

My girlfriend asked what I was up to tonight and I told her I was doing homework...naked. She laughed and made the comment that I was forever naked. It dawned on me just then that I make it a point to start shedding the clothing almost as soon as I walk in the door. It usually starts with the shirt. I live in East County San Diego and it is hot as shit here in the summer time. Can't blame a brutha for gettin' down to the bare necessities. In this case, the only necessity is to have the door and blinds shut. We don't want to scare the neighbors now, do we? 

If you find these tendencies strange, do yourself a favor: Arrange a day alone, lock the doors, shut the blinds, and spend the day the nude. And feel free to let me know how your experience went in the comments below. Enjoy!

It's a good thing I don't have pets...


1 comment:

  1. You so dumb, but I do agree living on your own has kool perks on being naked, drinking of the gallon of milk, peace n quite n the.most fucking not to.worry about your roommates just the.neigboors looking at you like you a freak!
