Friday, April 22, 2011

Day one: An Introduction

Before I begin, I'd like to go ahead and acknowledge that what I say may be interpreted as cocky and dickish. If you find my confidence offensive, do us all a favor and keep it to yourself. No one cares. One of the best compliments I've ever gotten was when a good friend told me I was a "cocky asshole." Fuckin love it.

To be honest I'm not really sure what direction or purpose this blog has at this point. After telling friends about some of the shit I pull, it was suggested a few times that I should blog about it. I guess this is a start.

Since my liberation from the bad relationship (The Dark Ages) I had a couple of years back, I've taken advantage of the single life and have enjoyed the fruits of being a tall, attractive, intelligent Mexican American male. I tend to lean more toward being a tanned white guy because I don't speak Spanish and I don't give a shit about Mexican culture. I'm a metal head computer nerd who tries to keep from using 'like' so much when I speak. I've always been kind of a cocky fucker but I've noticed that appeal seems to work a lot more for me in recent years. I won't use the comparison to wine that so many misled elderly individuals use but I will say this; being three decades deep into this life, I'm not showing signs of fading yet. 

Enough celebrating how much I love being me for the night. If there is anything I can promise, it's this:

Feelings will get hurt.

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