Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sarah's Failed Idioms

"Fool me once, shame on me or something like that."
"I went to get a Rockstar and the cafeteria is out. What kinda bullshit horse and pony show are they running???"

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

We all make mistakes...but yours are just terrible

Some of you motherfuckers can't spell for shit. But, in the spirit of full disclosure, I'll go ahead and fess up to a few of my own grammatical shortcomings, however intentional they may be.

1: Excessive use of commas. I usually go back and correct them but I find myself using way too many in the first draft of every fucking thing I type.

2: I place punctuation marks(, or .) outside the quotes when the last word of a sentence is within quotation marks. I heard you're not supposed to do that, but I'm too lazy to research it myself and it just looks weird the other way around.

3: I often leave off the first word in a sentence. I do that shit on purpose.

There. Nobody's perfect, but I'll still judge you for your own grammatical catastrophes because your posts look like you had a stroke half way through typing them out. Get yo mind right.