Monday, August 6, 2012

Sometimes the children you conceive are better off without you in their lives

It's a tough thing to accept, but picture this: You know that kid you had a couple decades ago that you abandoned? Yeah the one who has done great things with their life and made you so proud? Imagine how much worse they would have turned out if you stuck around. 
They say time heals all wounds but that is one of the biggest crocks of shit I've ever heard. There is no measure of time that can make up for a parent's failure to be there for their kids. What makes me angriest is hearing about the dad/mom who ditched their kids, then gets pissed when the kids don't allow him/her back into their lives as adults. There is no second chance. They don't inherit the obligation you ignored. Let them live their lives in peace. 
In my experience, the people who have turned out to be the best mommies and daddies are the kids whose parents, by example, showed them what kind of parents not to be. 
You have two choices, be the kind of person your kids can look up to, or remove yourself from the equation.

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