Friday, June 29, 2012

Cuttin' the cord

I've decided to make an effort to increase the productivity in my life. My days as of late have consisted of the constant checking for social media notifications. That habit has had a serious drag on my overall productivity and something must be done.

Step 1: Delete social media apps from my mobile devices, except Google+ because Android won't let me. It's the notifications on my phone that bring me back to Facebook. Google+ integration into the Android OS is what prevents its uninstallation so all I can do at this point is disable the notifications. Good enough.

Step 2: Cut back on constantly looking at my cell phone. My work requires that I'm up and about quite a bit, so leaving the phone at my desk should make this step much easier.

Step 3: BLOG MORE. There are more ways to share your experiences than posting a quote, image or link to Facebook. Blogging provides a more thought-out way of sharing what is on your mind. It's also usually plagued by far less grammatical inaccuracies than Status Updates have because bloggers actually understand the English language. Most do, anyway.

There will be many more steps and I'll update this post as this effort takes shape but this is all I've got so far. I've tried this before and failed but I didn't have a plan. Wish me luck!